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Posted by service on 2016/3/1 14:40:00 (5416 reads)

老茶廠深獲好評的舒食自助餐,本年3月份尚可開放自由名額如下: 3月15日 (週二):15名
 3月21日 (週一):15名
 3月22日 (週二):15名老茶廠自助舒食餐約15道,講求在地、當季、有機⋯食材,不過度加工,品嚐自然單純不凡的原味。歡迎來電洽詢茶廠:
0932-308-392 吳小姐

 Posted by service on 2016/1/16 13:00:00 (5979 reads)

【大溪老茶廠 新春營業時間公告】二月六日&七日,除夕前日&當日:店休


Posted by service on 2015/12/25 22:40:00 (5119 reads)

複評則由農糧署專業學者及茶業改良場 進行現場評鑑。大溪老茶廠由茶園種植及農務管理開始,即遵照「TGAP茶葉良好農業規範」,
以定時查核 、注重生態環境等方式自我嚴格管理。

 Posted by service on 2015/12/17 11:40:00 (3623 reads)


※ 100%純天然果物素材,無添加防腐劑、香料、人工甘味與色素。


 Posted by service on 2015/12/11 14:50:00 (3916 reads)

老茶廠深獲好評的舒食自助餐,歡迎您來電預約一起參與。2016年1月自助餐尚可開放自由名額:■ 1/5日(週二):20名
茶廠03-3825089 或 丁處長0926-265526

 Posted by service on 2015/11/26 9:30:00 (4165 reads)

  老茶廠深獲好評的舒食自助餐,歡迎您來電預約一起參與。12月下旬自助餐尚可開放自由名額:■ 12/29日(週二):20名本廠自助舒食餐,約15道以上,多為在地、當季、有機食材製作,少人工調味,以品嚐自然食物不凡原味為主。 
茶廠03-3825089 或

 Posted by service on 2015/11/13 10:50:00 (4626 reads)

分享大溪老茶廠品牌好茶與農林小舖在地水果乾。質樸簡潔的盒裝,在相聚歡樂時刻中,也 盡一份愛物惜材的心意。                                                                                       (蜜香紅茶果干禮盒:售價$950/盒)           (迷彩烏龍茶果干禮盒:售價$930/盒)        (青心甘綠茶果干禮盒:售價$980/盒)    【產品組合】▓ 大溪老茶廠立體茶包(三款口味任選其一) ■ 蜜香紅茶立體茶包(2.5g*20入):具天然蜜果香氣。茶湯豔紅、滑順,盡釋甘甜 ■ 青心甘綠茶立體茶包(2.5g*20入):入喉清新,蓄含海苔淡香,茶韻鮮爽,回甘漸進 ■ 迷彩烏龍茶立體茶包(2.5g*20入):茶湯呈明亮琥珀色澤,入口甘甜溫潤,帶有鮮明蜜果香氣,茶香四溢  公司自擁茶園,自地、自栽、自採、自製,茶葉由栽種,採摘到製茶全程自主一貫化控管。100%在地台灣好茶,產地、茶源、出廠皆標示清楚。茶包網袋、棉線及掛標皆玉米澱粉製成且採大豆油墨印刷。天然、無毒、環保可分解。                       ▓ 農林小舖水果乾 ■ 芒果乾 100g  ■ 情人果乾  75g ■ 楊桃乾    75g  ■ 鳳梨乾    75g  台灣在地原香好果,100%台灣水果,全程在台製造,原果實切片,低溫烘烤保留原味,  100%天然,無添加任何人工甘味、色素、防腐劑。             

 Posted by service on 2015/11/5 0:00:00 (23694 reads)

Belt Driven Exhaust Fan
To allow effective indoor cross-ventilation in the withering zone, four fans were installed on the NS-oriented walls on the second floor. As such, outdoor air can be drawn in, enabling cross-ventilation. The purpose is to facilitate cross-ventilation, and the cycle of airflow helps exhaust excessive hot air, achieving regulated temperature to facilitate leaf withering.Withering Trough
With the thermal energy available at the skylight, the dryer draws in the rising hot air through the front fan to wither the leaves in the withering trough with heated air, so as to achieve hastened tea leaf withering.Skylight, Slats
The skylight works to provide a channel for the heated air produced by the dryer to rise. Not only does it deal with the sultriness caused by the heated air of tea production, but it can also help to provide heated air for withering by re-using the generated thermal energy, thereby improving efficiency. It is lined by window blinds with slats, which allows opening and closing adjustment by tea makers to control the temperature.Old Blue Cypress Window Bar (90 degree)
In the early days, the blue window bar, which can be rotated at a 90 degree angle for opening, was installed to speed up the tea leaf withering process by guiding the airflow into the room, and emitting a large amount of heated air with the help of the large exhaust fans, achieving improved leaf withering efficiency.Tea Withering NetThe nets are suspended from the truss. By spreading the tea leaves evenly on the net, the flowing air facilitates the evaporation of excessive moisture in the tea leaves. Also, the macerated leaves are more resilient to breakages when they are handled in the successive procedures. As the leaves continue to dry out, the aroma of tea becomes ever more vibrant.151 criss-crossed trusses (old cypress)
Following the fire in 1956, these were restored with the assistance of sappers. There are a total of 151 criss-crossed trusses. The sappers' construction method emphasizes speediness, sturdiness, and durability. In addition to incorporating the use of tenons and mortises, iron supports were also used to reinforce the structure. The application of tenons and mechanical structures creates a visual effect that is stunningly beautiful.Safe from the Japanese colonial period (cashbox)Materials used for the safe include a brass handle and iron shells (three shells in total).Only after the three Japanese combination lock and a camouflaged lock are opened is the sycamore cabinet revealed. The space between the layers of the safe is filled with sand to increase its weight, giving it an anti-theft feature. The inner layer has not yet been opened. What treasures are hidden inside? It is still a mystery.Tea leaf cutting machine
The cutting machine is used to cut tea leaves that are too thick or coarse into the appropriate sizes to facilitate the subsequent sorting process.

Packaging Machine
When the tea leaves are being packaged, vibration is applied at the same time to allow the tea leaves to be densely packed in a very short time without applying any pressure.Winnowing Machine
As every object is of a different weight, size, shape and wind blocking surface, tea leaf blowing is practiced to sort out the main products, by-products, fanning, and dust. Cypress Withering Shelves
The purpose of spreading the tea leaves on the withering shelves is to reduce the moisture and the grassy smell within the leaves to allow the release of scents and aroma. The withering shelves that Daxi Tea Factory uses are mostly cypress ones made to cope with the large volume of exports in those years. The cypress withering shelves are of excellent quality, and are still in use today while showing the signs of aging.Objects in the Historic Site
So far, Daxi Tea Factory has retained the traces of more than six decades, including articles such as accounting books, brief documents submitted to superiors, contracts of sale, the red bricks of the Japanese Colonial Period, business invoices, stamps, tea-related goods, and so on. Each article carries with it an evocative sentiment of the bygone days.First Generation Tea Bag Packaging Machine
In 1975, the first automatic tea bag packaging machine was manufactured in Germany. This is the first generation tea bag packaging machine, and it is now 40 years old.Leaf Searing Room
The main purpose of leaf searing is to rapidly increase the leaves' internal temperature to deactivate the enzyme polyphenol oxidase, preventing further oxidation and retaining and stabilizing the aroma and flavor of the tea leaves. Also, as the leaves' moisture is largely lost after the searing process, the macerated leaves facilitate rolling into twists and initial drying stage.Oxidation Room
Oxidation refers to the chemical reaction of the polyphenols in the tea leaves with the polyphenol oxidase and oxigen. This is also one of the most important steps in black tea manufacture. Therefore it needs to be carried out in a purpose built oxidation room, where the humidity, temperature, and the airflow can be controlled. As the time, temperature and humidity required for the oxidation process vary according to the type of tea, a tea maker needs to determine whether the oxidation is complete from the color and the aroma of the tea leaves in the last stage. Rolling HopperThe withered tea leaves are collected and placed next to the hopper, which is situated above the roller. The leaves are fed to the hopper, and the rolling process begins by going through the cloth pocket within.

 Posted by service on 2015/9/2 11:20:00 (3765 reads)

為因應老茶廠網站系統升級, 故今日9/2(三), 晚上七點至晚上十二點, 網站將關閉維護.
造成您的不便, 敬請見諒.

Posted by service on 2015/8/10 17:30:00 (3391 reads)

因有消費者來信反映, 無法在線上購物網查詢到老茶廠匯款資料, 系統現已改善並於「購物流程說明」加註了匯款資訊, 非常謝謝您們的建議喔!


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